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Thermo Fisher Scientific Niton

Thermo Scientific™ portable analytical instruments deliver instant, actionable data for quick decision making in critical situations. Combining sophisticated technologies, including X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), our analyzers enable you to achieve lab quality results virtually anywhere. 
  • Identification and analysis of metal alloys, including precious metal & jewelry analysis
  • Compliance testing for RoHS, WEEE
  • Testing for lead, cadmium, and other hazardous substances in toys, jewelry, apparel, and other consumer goods
  • Mining and mineral exploration
  • Environmental site assessment, monitoring, and clearance testing
  • Lead-based paint testing and RRP compliance
  • Coating thickness measurement
Portable and Handheld XRF Analyzer Selection Guide


  Apollo XL5 XL3t Niton XL2 Plus XL2 100G Niton DXL Niton XLp
Niton Apollo
Niton XL5 Plus
Niton XL3t GOLDD+
Niton XL2 Plus
Niton XL2 100G
Niton DXL
Niton XLp
Analytical Specifications
Analytical Source 1064nm laser, charge coupled device (CCD) 5W x-ray tube, extra large area silicon drift detector (SDD) 2W x-ray tube, silicon drift detector (SDD) 2W x-ray tube, silicon drift detector (SDD) 2W x-ray tube, Si-PIN detector 2W x-ray tube,
Si-PIN detector
Cd-109 isotope, CdTe & Si-PIN detectors
Elemental Range1 C, Al, Si, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Nb, Mo, W Mg-U
(ultra low light element detection), Na (spectrum based detection)
Mg-U Mg-U Ti-Bi Ti-Pb Pb
Spot Size 50 µm standard

8 mm standard
3 mm optional

8 mm standard
3 mm optional

8 mm standard 8 mm standard

8 mm standard
3 mm optional

Instrument Specifications
Weight2 6.4 lbs. 2.8 lbs. 3.4 lbs. 3.4 lbs. 3.4 lbs. 17 lbs. 3.0 lbs.
Dimensions 12.0 x 13.0 x
4.0 in.
9.5 x 8.2 x
2.7 in.
9.6 x 9.0 x
3.8 in.
10.0 x 10.8 x
4.0 in.
10.0 x 10.8 x
4.0 in.
15.6 x 8.1 x
10.4 in.
9.8 x 10.5 x
3.8 in.
Memory Readings Capacity3 5,000 < 130,000 < 10,000 < 10,000 < 10,000 < 10,000 < 10,000
Display Screen Tilting Tilting Tilting Fixed Angle Fixed Angle Fixed Angle Stationary
Touchscreen/ Directional Keys

Micro Camera

Macro Camera




Hot Swap Battery



Splash + Dust Proof
(IP54 Rated)


Coming Soon!    
Detector Protection N/A  


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